How To Mature Traditional DevTest Methods with DevOps

When it comes to traditional (ahem, Waterfall!) development and testing methods, many challenges arise when executing them.

In traditional software development life cycle, testing is something that is taken care of by a particular group of people called Quality Assurance Testers or Quality Testers. Developers develop and write the code for new features and products, and after it has been tested by this special group of people for any defects and faults, it enters the production cycle. So basically, the work is done in steps: the entire code is written, tested and then produced. DevOps aims to improve on this outdated methodology of testing.

People now want their products and services fast but not at the expense of quality

People now want their products and services fast but not at the expense of quality. So how do you speed up the entire development, operational and testing process without compromising the quality of your service? You integrate the roles in a way that everyone works collaboratively with the word ‘Start.’ What DevOps does is that it instead of going the traditional path of testing at the end of the cycle, the testing part was carried out from the first line of code written. Hence, the software is tested as it is developed and deployed, resulting in faster recovery from defects and keeping the quality of the material top notch simultaneously. All teams and departments are involved in maintaining and assuring the quality of the product through every phase.

The most beautiful thing about DevOps, in my opinion, is the continuous feedback loop. It just makes things so powerful, collaborative and efficient.

One of the other most common problems that surface is that the development and operations environment are very different from each other. Whatever code or feature was working flawlessly in the development environment may not working the same way in the production environment after it has been tossed over the wall dividing the two departments. This results in failure of a process due to lack of synchronization and understanding or communication. With DevOps, no such wall or difference in working environments exist. Operators and developers work side by side to ensure utmost quality and constant experimentation with the product, making the process much more successful and popular in the customers. The most beautiful thing about DevOps, in my opinion, is the continuous feedback loop. It just makes things so powerful, collaborative and efficient.